4 for 4! Clinical excellence awarded again!
Apr 7 |We are passionate about helping you feel better and function better. To help us measure how we are doing and how we compare to our peers we at Back@Work Physical Therapy voluntarily submit our patient’s outcomes to an independent Physical Therapy benchmarking company. Our results are analyzed and compared to approximately 10,000 other Physical Therapists across the nation. Each quarter we are rated and receive a scorecard that helps us measure how well we are doing when compared to our peers. Each quarter those therapists that rank above the national average receive the FOTO clinical excellence award. Back@Work Physical Therapy received this award every quarter in 2014 and has never missed a quarter since we became eligible. However, we are far from perfect and are always striving to improve our care. Each quarter we receive a detailed report that shows us where we are weak. This information helps us know what area to focus our improvement and future training so we can help you feel better and function better. To see the award click on the following link.